We define our philosophy in terms of our corporate responsibility towards our employees and partners and our awareness of future generations.
As a company, we enjoy society’s trust and respect. This responsibility determines the way we act.
We see environmental commitment, economic success and social responsibility as goals of equal importance. A consistent commitment to environmental protection is an important component in our company’s long success story. We have introduced a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, an environment management system in accordance with ISO 14001:2004 and an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001.
Our activities are guided by the following principles:
Conservation of natural resources
As a company, we are integrated in our social and our natural environment and want to contribute to the conservation of the natural world. For us, adherence to applicable environmental legislation and other requirements relating to energy use, energy consumption and energy efficiency is self-evident. The prevention of environmental pollution, unnecessary energy consumption, accidents and illness takes a high priority in all our processes.
Beyond our respect for legal requirements, regulations and other binding commitments, we undertake to improve our company’s environmental performance continuously and systematically.
In all our industrial activities and in our products, we consider the entire lifecycle. For us, this means minimizing our consumption of energy, water and resources, reducing waste, emissions and by-products, and supporting waste management so that waste products can be converted into valuable materials.
Ecological, socially equitable and energy-efficient materials
Optimised energy efficiency
We take energy-efficiency considerations into account when purchasing new equipment.
The principle of the recycling economy, borrowed from the example of the natural world, guides our actions.
In accordance with this principle, all our processes run in circuits: Waste is reused, process water is fed back into the water circuit, and when choosing our energy suppliers, it is important to us that a high proportion of their energy comes from renewable sources.
As an operator of energy-intensive production processes, we are committed to reducing our energy inputs in the long term and to improving our energy efficiency as part of a continuous improvement process.
We develop concepts for saving energy and define these as part of our strategic and operational objectives.