Sustainability guideline


Integrity, compliance with the law and responsibility towards people and the environment are the guiding principles for the ERNST-Apparatebau GmbH . Thereby we regard the Conventions and recommendations of national and international organizations such as the “United Nations Global Compact”, the “UN Guidelines on Business and Human Rights” and the “OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises” as being important guidelines. We therefore expect our business partners to comply with the following principles:

Legal Compliance

to comply with the laws of the respective legislation that are applicable in the context of the business relationship with ERNST-Apparatebau GmbH.

Prohibition of Corruption

No unlawful offering, granting, demanding or accepting of benefits or advantages to or from business partners. Especially no benefits to ERNST-Apparatebau GmbH employees and their relatives, with the exception of (promotional) gift articles of minor value and appropriate expenditures on hospitality.

Fair Competition and Prohibition of Cartels

To adhere to the regulations of competition and antitrust law and to obey the principle of fair competition.

Respect for the basic human rights of employees

No discrimination or harassment on the basis of skin color, race, nationality, social or ethical background, disability, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, as well as gender and age.

To respect the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of everyone.

Fair treatment of employees free from sexual harassment, corporal punishment or torture, mental abuse, compulsory labor as well as threats of such treatments.

To comply with the maximum number of working hours and the minimum wage laid down in the applicable laws.

To recognize the right of free association of employees in accordance of the applicable national law and to neither favor nor discriminate against members of employee organizations or trade unions.

Prohibition of Child Labor

To employ no workers that have not reached the minimum age according to the ILO Convention 138.

Health and Safety of Employees

To assume responsibility for the health and safety of its employees, to provide training for employees in health and safety issues and to eliminate or minimize the risk of accidents or occupational diseases.

Environmental Protection

To act in accordance with the applicable statutory and international standards and laws regarding environmental protection. to conserve resources, to minimize the environmental impact and to continuously improve in environmental protection.

Data Protection

To act in accordance with the applicable statutory regulations regarding data privacy and to handle confidential information responsibly.

Business Partners

To make reasonable efforts to promote compliance with this Business Partner Code of Conduct among its business partners.